Making a Difference
One Event at a Time

100 Days Nikshay TB Campaign
Healthcare at Your Doorstep

स्वस्थ शरीर, सुखी जीवन

Rahat Samarpan Seva Samiti is organizing a Mega Free Health Camp to provide vital medical services to those in need. This initiative includes general disease check-ups, tuberculosis screening, physiotherapy, eye check-ups, HIV/STD screening, and blood pressure, sugar, and hemoglobin tests. Join us in promoting a healthier community and ensuring healthcare for all.

100 Days Nikshay TB Campaign
Compassion in Action, Service with Dedication

सेवा ही संकल्प, सहायता ही धर्म

Rahat Samarpan Seva Samiti is organizing a Free Assistance Camp for the differently-abled, offering essential support and care. This initiative includes free eye check-ups, distribution of drop glasses, school bags, notebooks, pens, pencils, and food packets to those in need. Join us in spreading hope and making a difference in lives that need it the most.

Blood Donation Drives
Blood Donation Drives

एक बूंद का दान, किसी का जीवन संज्ञान

Rahat Samarpan Seva Samiti organizes regular blood donation camps to ensure the availability of blood for those in need. Join us in this life-saving mission and be the reason someone gets a second chance at life.

Food Donation Campaigns
Food Donation Campaigns

पोषण का दान, हर चेहरे पर मुस्कान

We aim to eradicate hunger by distributing nutritious meals to underprivileged communities. Your contribution helps us bring hope and happiness to countless families struggling for their basic needs..

Child Education Programs
Child Education Programs

अगली पीढ़ी को सशक्त बनाएंगे, शिक्षा का दीप जलाएंगे

Through our child education initiatives, we strive to provide quality education to underprivileged children. Together, we can ensure that every child has access to a brighter and more promising future.

Eye Check-Up Camps
Eye Check-Up Camps

दृष्टि सबकी, खुशी सबकी

Our free eye check-up camps focus on reducing preventable blindness by offering screenings, consultations, and treatment to marginalized communities. Let’s bring the gift of vision to those who need it most.

100 Days Nikshay TB Campaign
100 Days Nikshay TB Campaign

टीबी मुक्त समाज, स्वस्थ जीवन का राज

This intensive campaign aims to raise awareness, provide treatment, and support TB-affected individuals in our community. Together, we are committed to eradicating tuberculosis and ensuring a healthier society.

Registration Details

Details Information
Society Reg. No 04/15/03/23170/23
Pan Card No AJAAR8065L
NGO Darpan No MP/2023/0346065
12A 80G Unique Reg. No AAJAR8506LF20231
Account No 58520100005637

Words That Inspire